Cosmetic Dentistry in Tyler, TX

Is cosmetic dental
treatment right for me?


Did you know…

Your natural enamel can be protected with the help of veneers.


Call (903) 630-7357 to book today

What to expect at your cosmetic consultation in Tyler, TX


Initial Conversation

First things first, you and Dr. L Nash will speak candidly about how you feel about your smile. We’ll do everything you can to make sure you’re comfortable, and encourage you to speak honestly about any imperfections with your smile that make you feel self-conscious or that you would like to change.

Comprehensive Exam

Dr. L Nash will conduct a comprehensive oral examination to determine if you are a suitable candidate for cosmetic services. In order for cosmetic treatments to yield successful results, it is important to have a healthy set of teeth and gums. Therefore, Dr. L Nash will engage in a discussion about your oral health and devise a plan for any necessary restorative treatments before commencing with cosmetic care.

Personalized Treatment Plan

After finishing your consultation and exam, Dr. L Nash will present all available treatment options and create a personalized cosmetic treatment plan based on your specific needs and desired outcomes. This plan will guide you through every stage of your smile transformation, ensuring a clear understanding of each step.

Explore Your Options

Dr. L Nash will provide you with an array of treatment options, and together, you’ll decide what’s best for your needs, and what suits your budget and lifestyle.

Scheduling & Payment

Once you’ve decided on your preferred treatment plan, we’ll schedule your next visit in Tyler, TX and answer any questions you may have about finances or our services.

Cosmetic Treatment Options

At-Home Teeth Whitening for a Brighter Smile

Experience the convenience of at-home teeth whitening and achieve a dazzling smile without leaving your house. Our take-home whitening kit allows you to gradually whiten your teeth over a period of 2 weeks.

To ensure a perfect fit, we will create custom-made whitening trays by taking impressions of your teeth and gums. These reusable trays are designed specifically for you.

Once your trays are ready, you will receive our effective whitening product along with detailed instructions on how to use it correctly and how to maintain your trays. By following the guidance of Dr. L Nash, you can achieve the professional results that your smile truly deserves.


Did you know…

You can achieve a smile that is up to 10 shades brighter in just one visit with our in-office whitening treatment.


Call (903) 630-7357 to book a consultation

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Did you know…

Cosmetic dentistry can make it easier to take care of your smile.